Just An Image
Then suddenly, you want to run - run so hard and so fast that your lungs give up and your heart bursts and you end up on the ground with blood on your lips. And then people will walk around you, and walk past you, and some will tut-tut irritably and some will say poor thing, but none will stop to help, because they'll know that some things are beyond repair.
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i dont think u can actually do that...
you're so true
ppl are actually very sadistically ignorant in that sense...
I know this is a little gross... but you ever tasted blood? Ever cut your lip during a fight/accident? Taste of blood gives you a devilish pleasure... seriously!
ze chapaater!: Um. I don't think you got what I meant.
Pradyot: Yes, I have tasted blood, but I found it rather gross. :) But I understand how you might like it. The same way flies love garbage.. :P
blood is tasty
atleast mine is....its got the right amount of salt...in it....
its said tat, if a tiger gets to taste the blood of humans once, then it will become a man eater.....
ex-plane a-gane!
Ewwwwwwweeeeeee.... flies and garbage. Least I was expecting was comparison to Dracula... but this is degrading and offensive to me!!
Statutory Warning: Never take me seriously. (More on my blog)
Jasmie, as long as you don't think you're beyond repair your self
And what happens when someone wants to kiss those lips? With a heart that's burst and a lip that's broken, that wouldn't be very good, would it?
I hope you are fine.
tECHJ: If you say so.
ze chapaater: Never mind. :)
Pradyot: He-he.
La La Land Desi: Perhaps I do.
Rakesh: If there had been someone who wanted to kiss those lips, perhaps the heart wouldn't have burst and the lips wouldn't have bled. And thank you. I think you're the only one who got it. :)
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