Yeah, I'm back.
It turns out that unless there's an active resolution to blog, no blogging happens.
"But blogging is so 2004," you might say with a yawn. "Why are you still bothering?"
The answer, clearly, is that I'm not.
But the thing is - I WANT to bother. It's only on this blog that I write at all, and I've forgotten how it feels to have words flowing from the end of my fingertips.
And so I've signed up for the A2Z Challenge.
Actually, wait - that's only one of the reasons I've signed up, and not even the main one.
I just got back from a ten-day vacation to Thailand and Cambodia. Thailand was nice, but Cambodia was just - magical. Temples, history, greenery, lakes, heat - magical.
And when I was thinking of how to hold on to those memories, I realized I had to write. But there's so much to write that it wouldn't have got done in a post or two.
And then I realized that April was also A2Z Challenge month. Why not, I thought, sign up for the challenge with my experiences in Cambodia as the theme?
At first, the idea seemed audacious. Could I really write twenty-six posts on just three and a half days in Cambodia? I started trying to think of posts for each of the letters and it turned out that - yes, I could do it quite easily.
And so here we are. I'm fully aware that I might not finish the challenge. Last year, despite being unemployed for the first half of the month, I wrote only eighteen posts. But then last time I was travelling pretty much every weekend. This time, I will not be. Hopefully, I'll manage to finish.
Wish me luck! Here's a taste of things to come.
I'll look forward to reading about Cambodia...always fancied visiting.
On the A to Z Challenge Maggie@expatbrazil.
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