Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A2Z Challenge

A short post to say that I've signed up for the A2Z Challenge. I have to post 26 times in the month of April - one post per letter of the alphabet. The challenge starts off on April first, and I get Sundays off. 

The objective is to ensure that I do actually finish my February Resolution of posting a hundred times this year. I'm woefully behind on that front, so I'm hoping this will help. I have some travel plans for April, so I'm not sure I'll be able to completely stick to the resolution, but maybe some advance writing will help.

The worst part of the challenge will be, I think, coming up with topics to blog about. I have some ideas for the first few alphabets, but the later ones are still problematic. If you have something you would like me to blog about, let me know in the comments.

If you're an on-again off-again blogger (like me!) looking for some inspiration to kick-start an inactive blog again, I guess you could do worse than sign up for this challenge. They're trying to get to 1500 bloggers before the deadline. 
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